Monday, August 5, 2013

Has Kim Kardashian Really Not Had Any "Work" Done?

While she have denied plastic surgery rumors time and time again, it seems likely that Kim have gone under the knife at some point duringher fame-journey. We consulted Dr. Anthony Youn, a Board-certified plastic surgeon, for his expert opinion. 

 A Guide to the Kardashian's Plastic Surgeries

A Guide to the Kardashian's Plastic Surgeries

According to Dr. Youn, "Kim's nose appears to have gotten a little shorter and more refined, possibly from a well-performed, conservative rhinoplasty." A conservative rhinoplasty! So there you have it; they just took a tad off the top. Dr. Youn also commented that Kim's "breasts appear overly round and full for her thin figure. This ‘roundness' is a likely sign of breast implants."